All-women event strives to empower female leaders and foster allyship

WACL Scotland

FOLLOWING a hugely successful event in 2019, WACL (Women in Advertising & Communication Leadership) is delighted to announce the return of its inspiring all-women business event, WACL Gather Scotland.

Coming back to Scotland for a second time, the event aims to serve as a catalyst for female talent in the marketing, advertising and communications industry to achieve their career and life goals.

This year’s WACL Gather Scotland will take place on Thursday, 6th June and is a two-part event. Kicking off with an exclusive Fellows lunch in partnership with Marketing Society Scotland, the first part of the event will focus on “The Power of Allyship” and will feature a panel discussion with notable speakers including:

  • Nishma Patel Robb – WACL President and former Senior Director of Brand and Reputation Marketing, Google
  • Lori Meakin – Founder/CEO, The Others & Me
  • Fiona Gordon – CEO, Ogilvy UK
  • Dawn Paine – Founder, Aurora
  • Pete Markey – Chief Marketing Officer, Boots UK
  • Simon Crunden – CEO, Freethinking Group / Managing Director, Republic of Media

The inspirational line up of industry leaders will delve into why achieving equality in the workplace isn’t simply a matter of men versus women, sharing their personal experiences and insights. Additionally, panellist Lori Meakin will discuss findings from her book, “No More Menemies”, which explores getting beyond the fear and frustration of the gender wars.

The second part of WACL Gather Scotland is open to professionals in the advertising and marketing industry and focuses on ”Stepping Up in Leadership”. This segment of the event will offer attendees support and advice on the transition from middle to senior management and beyond.

Guests will have the opportunity to hear from an exceptional WACL panel of female leaders who will explore their professional journeys, career decisions and life lessons to inspire, encourage and motivate.

Following the panel discussion, participants can engage in an exclusive speed mentoring session with 17 female mentors from across Scotland’s marketing sector including agency founders and senior marketers from NatWest Group, AG Barr, Scottish Government, Edrington, C&C Group, ScottishPower, Tesco Bank, Lloyds and Scottish National Investment Bank.

Nishma Patel Robb, WACL President, said: “This year’s themes around, “Allyship” and  “Stepping Up in Leadership”, are particularly relevant as many women are looking to advance their careers in increasingly complex and competitive environments. Our distinguished panellists bring a wealth of experience, knowledge, and insights from diverse backgrounds and industries. Their stories and advice will not only inspire attendees but also empower them with practical strategies and confidence to take the next steps in their professional journeys.

“We believe this event will be a catalyst for positive change, helping women to break through barriers and achieve their full potential in leadership roles.”

Lori Meakin, Founder / CEO, The Others & Me and Author of “No More Menemies”, commented: “Highlighting the power of allyship is crucial in enabling women to step up into leadership roles. By fostering a culture of mutual support and collaboration, we can break down the barriers that often hinder women’s progress in the workplace.

“Achieving gender equality isn’t about putting men against women. It’s about recognising that everyone benefits from a more equitable workplace. When we work together as allies, we can create environments where all individuals thrive.”

Juliet Simpson, Committee Chair of WACL Scotland, current Chair of the Marketing Society Scotland Fellows & CEO of Stripe Communications, said: “I am deeply passionate about supporting women in the workplace, and I am thrilled that we have the opportunity to bring WACL Gather back to Scotland for a second time. This event is incredibly important as it not only celebrates the remarkable achievements of senior female leaders but also serves as a powerful source of inspiration for the next generation of women in our industry.

“By providing a platform for sharing insights, experiences, mentoring and allyship, we aim to empower more women to step up into leadership roles and drive meaningful change within their organisations and the broader community.”

Founded in 1923, WACL (Women in Advertising & Communications Leadership) provides female leaders with the tools, support and ideas to fast-track their careers, while promoting and accelerating gender equality through inspiration, support and campaigning.

WACL Gather was first organised in London in 1996, and is an annual sell-out attracting over 400 female leaders from across the sector.

WACL Gather Scotland takes place at Greyfriars Hall within Virgin Hotels Edinburgh, on Thursday, 6th June. The public event has various elements including a panel discussion featuring an exciting line up of WACL Leaders from 4pm, following an hour-long mentoring session and social networking opportunities.

Tickets are available to purchase via Eventbrite at £75 for corporates / agencies and £40 for sole traders and NFP organisations (excludes booking fee & VAT).                                       

The not-for-profit event has been made possible through the generous sponsorship from Virgin Hotels Edinburgh. All profits raised from WACL Gather Scotland ticket sales will be donated to Smart Works.

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