Left to Right: Education Convener Jim Clocherty, Inverclyde Teacher Leanne Welsh and Gen+ Director of Education Becca Dobson with P1 pupils from Inverclyde Academy

INVERCLYDE Council has become the first council in Scotland to introduce the Gen+ meta-skills programme across all six of its ...


INVERCLYDE Council has become the first council in Scotland to introduce the Gen+ meta-skills programme across all six of its mainstream secondary schools.

Following the programme’s successful implementation at Inverclyde Academy and St Stephen’s High School in 2022, St Columba’s High School, Notre Dame High School, Clydeview Academy, and Port Glasgow High School are set to join the initiative this academic year, paving the way for comprehensive meta-skills development within the core curriculum.

Gen+ offers an unparalleled skills curriculum for young people aged 10-14. It is delivered through an innovative digital learning platform hosting interactive and engaging lessons.

Inverclyde Academy has been on board since 2022 with Head Teacher Denise Crawford providing her endorsement: “Since implementing the Gen+ programme for our S1 and S2 pupils, I have seen a huge improvement in their confidence and self-belief in different areas of their academic life.

“Although it is still early days with the Gen+ programme, I have no doubts that the programme will continue to make a positive impact on more pupils across Scotland in the years to come.”

Victoria Vardy, CEO of Gen+, said: “Inverclyde Council has truly stood as an exceptional partner for our programme over the past year. We have formed connections with individuals who share our values and are committed to offering the best possible education to the young people in their local community.”

Councillor Jim Clocherty, Inverclyde Council’s convener of education and communities, said: “We live in a constantly evolving technological age and recognise its importance in our everyday lives and ensuring our teaching staff and young people are well-equipped to deal with that.

“That is why we have embraced this pioneering programme and I am delighted Inverclyde has become the first council area in Scotland to implement Gen+ across all our schools.

“Congratulations to our staff and young people for all their efforts thus far working alongside our partners Gen+ and I look forward to seeing how this initiative grows and develops.”

Beyond its pioneering student programme, Gen+ has introduced Gen+ Teach, an innovative professional development initiative that equips teachers with the necessary skills to facilitate effective meta-skills teaching. 

This comprehensive programme is also hosted on the Gen+ digital learning platform. Gen+ Teach collaborates with experts, including the University of Strathclyde Business School, to deliver a co-designed, first-of-its-kind leadership programme for teachers, accredited by the university.

Collette McGeehan, Depute Head Teacher at St Columba’s High School, highlights the significance of the Gen+ Teach programme: “We have really enjoyed engaging with the Gen+ programme this session. 

“It not only positively impacts our young people, but also empowers teachers to enhance their Career Long Professional Learning (CLPL). The Gen+ Teach programme will be a really valuable addition to our suite of CLPL resources.” 

Inverclyde Council’s adoption of the Gen+ programme across all its secondary schools benefits the young people in the local area and brings the Gen+ programme one step closer to its goal of being available in every school across Scotland within the next five years.

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