Ukrainian couple take top prize in new pilot programme to boost enterprise in East Renfrewshire

Liubomyr Potoskyi and Natalyia Hevak, Winners of the New Entrepreneurs challenge on 24th June. (Photo: Young Enterprise Scotland)

A UKRAINIAN couple has secured top prize in the first round of a new programme to boost enterprise in East Renfrewshire. 

Liubomyr Potoskyi and Natalyia Hevak were part of the first cohort to undertake the New Entrepreneurs Challenge and celebrated completing the programme by pitching for funds for their businesses, at an inaugural awards ceremony in Rouken Glen Park.

The enterprising pair secured the first prize of £700 after pitching to a panel of expert judges at a special celebratory ceremony on the 24th June.

The couple, who left war-torn Ukraine to settle in Scotland, leveraged their 15 years of experience in the fertiliser industry to start their own business, and impressed the judges with their ambitious plans for expansion. 

Speaking after receiving their prize which will be used to boost their business growth plans, Liubomyr said: 

“We have learned so much useful information through this programme, and have made invaluable connections with the other participants along the journey”.

Lisa Crow, the creative force behind the Wee Craft Crow, claimed second place prize with her meditative art form business, aimed at reducing anxiety and promoting mental wellbeing.  

The New Entrepreneurs Programme, delivered by Bridge 2 Business in partnership with Work East Ren Employability Services, West College Scotland and the Scottish Government, is designed to provide individuals based in East Renfrewshire with the support and resources they need to develop their enterprise skills. 

The nine-week programme was open to participants living in East Renfrewshire aged between 16-69 who are currency unemployed or are seeking to move into employment or entrepreneurship, taking them through a series of hands-on workshops and guest speakers who shared their expertise. 

‘Bridge 2 Business’ is a college programme delivered by Young Enterprise Scotland, a national charity that works with volunteers from the business community to deliver a future-proof programme of blended learning that is accessible to all.  They  work with budding entrepreneurs, nurturing business ideas and supporting young people to bring their ideas to life, whilst developing skills and achieving their goals.

Young Enterprise Scotland Chief Executive Emma Soanes said: 

“We are delighted to have been a part of this initiative, which opened the doors to entrepreneurship to those who traditionally may have felt that it was out of their reach.

We really hope that this programme is a testament to the power of access to opportunity, and we can continue to provide support to future cohorts.

“I extend my warmest congratulations to all our participants, and we are all excited to watch their business plan go from strength to strength”.

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