The Search Is On For Scottish Business Trailblazers Bucking The Challenging Economic Trend

2023 WeDO Award winners with Belinda Roberts, CEO of WeDO Scotland

THE WeDO Scotland Annual Awards launch is announced to recognise and celebrate the success of Scottish businesses in the most challenging economic times for over a decade.

WeDO Scotland has launched its annual search for the most trailblazing, innovative and transformative entrepreneurs, business leaders and SMEs.  The Awards, this year in their twelfth year, will honour the resilience, creativity and success of the Scottish business community, in what is widely perceived to be the most challenging economic times for over a decade. 

A new Award, SME Business of the Year has been introduced to add to the existing seven Awards including Eco Entrepreneur, International Entrepreneur and Employee Owned Business of the Year. 

Commenting on the Awards, Belinda Roberts, CEO of WeDO said:

“SMEs are the lifeblood of the Scottish economy and despite the current economic challenges, Scotland’s entrepreneurs and businesses are to be admired and applauded for their contributions and forward-thinking. We are keen this year to attract more nominations and applications from female- led businesses, recognising their considerable talents, impact on driving positive change and shaping the future for generations to come.

Whilst the majority of our Awards celebrate entrepreneurship, we wanted to ensure that Scottish SMEs which have demonstrated unparalleled excellence in their fields are also recognised, hence the introduction of our new SME Business of the Year Award.  With many businesses facing considerable challenges in the current climate, it’s important to celebrate the successes of those bucking the trend and demonstrating resilience.”

The Awards are free to enter and open to non-members, as well as the 180-strong WeDO membership community.  A distinguished panel of judges will evaluate applications based on their innovation, impact, sustainability and business acumen, culminating in in-person interviews for the two finalists in each of the eight categories.

Applications are now open and can be submitted through the WeDO website.  The Scottish business community is encouraged to nominate deserving individuals and businesses who embody the spirit of entrepreneurship, growth and innovation across the length and breadth of Scotland.

The Awards are taking place on Friday 21st June in Edinburgh and applications close on Wednesday 8th May.

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