VOTE counting continues in the Scottish Parliament election.
The count began at 09:00 today as the ballot boxes were opened. The final result is expected to be announced tomorrow with 46 of the 73 constituencies still to be tallied. Updates on the initial voting results will be available from this evening.
Despite the recent lifting of lockdown restrictions more than a million people took to casting their vote via post.
With all the uncertainty the past year has brought, this election is particularly important for the nation, as it may determine whether another independence referendum is in the cards for Scotland.
But it will also decide who forms the next Scottish government, which has considerable powers over areas such as health, education, and income tax which will have a direct impact on the continued handling of Covid-19.
As it stands, opinion polls are leaning towards another term as First Minister for Nichola Sturgeon with a majority hinging on a number of marginal opposition-held seats.
Polling expert and professor of politics Sir John Curtice expressed his predictions on BBC’s Good Morning Scotland show. He suggested a 50:50 chance the SNP would obtain a majority.
If polling stats hold accurate it looks like there could be another win the bag for the SNP with the final Ballot Box Scotland polling projecting an SNP victory ranging from 58 to 71 seats. The question now is, will it be a big enough win to secure a majority?