Businesses also urged to back other local enterprises after investment in Scotland Loves Local initiative allows digital evolution of local gift cards
A Scottish Government minister has issued a rallying cry for people across the country to choose local and back businesses in their community this Christmas.
Employment and Investment Minister Tom Arthur emphasised the massive impact of strong festive sales on local businesses as seasonal shopping nears its peak.
He also encouraged local businesses to support each other by considering using Scotland Loves Local Gift Cards as employee rewards – allowing staff to spend directly with businesses in their own communities.
Speaking ahead of Small Business Saturday this weekend, Mr Arthur said: “It’s vitally important to communities across Scotland that people take the opportunity to shop locally this Christmas.
“Shopping locally does not just let you enjoy a great range of goods and services, but it supports local businesses, jobs and communities.
“This is a great opportunity for you to get gifts for your friends and loved ones this Christmas, but also to give something back to your community.”
The Scottish Government’s support for Scotland Loves Local has allowed Scotland’s Towns Partnership (STP), the organisation which spearheads the initiative, to work with Perth-based fintech Miconex to digitise the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card.
For the first time, e-cards can now be bought and sent to recipients digitally – bringing benefits for businesses and other organisations who are looking to buy cards for many people, even across multiple areas.
Millions of pounds have been spent using Scotland Loves Local Gift Cards across Scotland since they were launched in 2021. Their use for corporate gifting has increased year-on-year.
Mr Arthur said: “It’s been great to see the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card go from strength to strength and especially to see so many businesses utilise it for corporate rewards for employees.
“This allows people to shop locally and spend more in their communities. That’s great for consumers, but it’s great for local businesses as well. The stronger local economies are, the better it is for all businesses.”
Scotland Loves Local Gift Cards are available in each of the country’s 32 local authority areas and can only be spent in the regions for which they are branded – meaning that money is locked into local economies.
David O’Neil, Chief Commercial Officer at Miconex, works with local authorities, business improvement districts and other organisations across Scotland on the operation of their local gift cards.
He said: “The partnership work that has allowed this digital investment in the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card has the power to drive significant amounts of money into local economies across the country.
“We’re seeing an increasing trend for organisations to choose Scotland Loves Local Gift Cards as employee rewards because they can ensure their staff not only get the best choice of places to spend, but their money is going into the local economy.
“Every time someone receives a Scotland Loves Local Gift Card, it’s the start of a journey, discovering where they can spend in their own community and ultimately going through the doors of these businesses with money to spend.”
Scotland Loves Local is the campaign that urges people to think, choose and spend locally to build better futures for their community.
STP Chief Officer Kimberley Guthrie said: “We are incredibly grateful to the Scottish Government for its support for Scotland Loves Local, helping us to champion the incredible difference people can make by thinking local first.
“Christmas is a critical time for local businesses, particularly those in retail and hospitality for whom the season can often define their year financially.
“What they offer is so often unique, with tremendous personal service. By getting behind local businesses you are supporting the jobs of your friends and neighbours while also making a valuable investment in the future of your community.”
For more information about the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card, go to