Industry insight needed in newly formed roundtables

Daryl McIntosh, Policy Manager at Propertymark

PROPOSED reforms to the private rented sector are on the horizon for Scotland and upcoming sessions hosted by Propertymark will provide the opportunity to discuss some of the key proposals, their likely impacts on the sector, and highlight areas of concern to the listening ears of Scottish Government Representatives. 

Following the raft of proposed changes within the Draft Rented Sector Strategy, including amending the possessions procedure, elevating property and energy efficiency standards and implementing a national system of rent control, Propertymark says there’s never been a more pivotal time to get the thoughts and opinions of those on the ground. 

Whilst Propertymark has voiced its support for many of the proposals, it has also stressed that some will place additional burdens and costs on landlords and therefore believe it will be detrimental to the sector.

Daryl McIntosh, Policy Manager at Propertymark, said: 

“The Scottish Government must recognise that, in order to achieve the objectives of the Draft Rented Sector Strategy, investment in the private rented sector must be boosted.”

“Neither supply nor quality of homes can be increased by imposing more regulatory restrictions on the industry and coupled with the proposed changes to grounds for possession under the Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) Bill, we are concerned that the changes could simply be a step too far for some landlords.” 

“The Scottish Government must consider carefully the balance of its reforms and ensure that interventions to achieve short-term objectives do not lead to market failure in the long-run.”

The Draft Strategy is open for consultation until 15 April 2022, and new legislation, including a Housing Bill, is expected in 2023.

Propertymark is keen to hear from not only agents, but anyone who works in or alongside the private rented sector including landlords, those in related financial services or specialising in property law.

Sessions will be held at:

10am-11:30am, 9 March 2022: Reforming possessions

10am-11:30am, 15 March 2022: Balancing rights and risks

10am-11:30am, 23 March 2022: Ensuring affordability

Numbers for each event are limited so interested individuals are urged to contact Propertymark’s Policy Team as soon as possible by emailing with their session preference in order to secure a place.

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