Fife Council Economic Development has refreshed and relaunched its Business Directory

SCOTTISH BUSINESS NEWS reports today that Fife Council Economic Development has refreshed and relaunched its Business Directory aimed at encouraging ...


SCOTTISH BUSINESS NEWS reports today that Fife Council Economic Development has refreshed and relaunched its Business Directory aimed at encouraging local businesses to collaborate as a means of supporting the Fife economy.

The online platform, accessed via InvestFife, is free for businesses to use, whether as a means of showcasing their goods, products, and services for supply chain opportunities, or for keeping abreast of business news and relevant sector insights and events.   

Pamela Stevenson, Service Manager, Economic Development, Business & Employability at Fife Council, commented: 

“We’ve launched this Business Directory following feedback from local businesses via our Business Barometers. Businesses asked for more digital investment as well as loyalty programmes to encourage the use of local goods and products. Through our online Business Directory, we will be able to support local businesses, encourage collaboration, raise the profile of Fife-based businesses, and ultimately benefit the local economy.”

“Fife has several key sectors operating, all with their own areas of expertise. We want to encourage our businesses, organisations, and local community groups to do business here in Fife by working together, and so our Business Directory, we hope, will become the ‘go to’ resource when looking for suppliers, as well as a source of information, insight, and news.”

Pamela added: 

“By trying to shorten the supply chain and keep contracts here in Fife, we strive to bolster the local economy, keep and attract high-skilled workers, and safeguard Fife as the place to do business.”

The Business Directory is a free tool for enhancing business visibility online. Businesses will have the chance to upload a profile, including contact details, and information about its business offering, which will be easily searchable. 

InvestFife will also provide regular sector and economy insights to Directory members, regional news, business development opportunities, and access to funding opportunities.

To register for InvestFife’s Business Directory, click here.

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