Developer submits plans for 49 more homes next to Perth Eco Innovation Park

Alexander Dewar

PLANS have been lodged to build 49 new homes next to the proposed Perth Eco Innovation Park.

The John Dewar Lamberkin Trust (JDLT), in partnership with Craigrossie Properties and Bellway Homes, has submitted a planning application for the change of use for 1.8 hectares of permitted commercial land situated off the Glasgow road, at Broxden roundabout.

Subject to planning permission, the site will be developed for this final phase, delivering £336,000 towards affordable housing and £135,309 for wider transport infrastructure, in accordance with the Council’s developer contributions policy.

As part of the wider Broxden development, the JDLT and Craigrossie concluded the disposal of about 3.7 hectares of employment land to local Perth businesses, Algo Business Centres and Drysdale Motorcycles.  Detailed planning applications are anticipated this year to complete the site which first started in 2002. 

The developers have also secured consent for truck parking, hydrogen refuelling and a solar array on the remaining 1.8 hectares of land to support the Council’s plans for a low carbon hub.  Due to the roads’ infrastructure the progress on these sites is dependent on the outcome of the application that is now under consideration.

To support the economic recovery in a post COVID-19 world through clean, inclusive growth, the JDLT is also progressing its plans to bring forward the adjoining 10-hectare Perth Eco Innovation Park. 

This site is planned as the early phase of the Perth West development which is a strategic project within the 2019 Local Development Plan.  Subject to planning approval, work on the Peth Eco Innovation Park is due to commence in 2021, with the potential to deliver 1,000 new jobs when complete and a GVA of £65m per year.

Alexander Dewar, of the John Dewar Lamberkin Trust, said:  “We are determined to continue to play our part in supporting the economic growth of the city following the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Working with industry, universities, the council and the Perth City Board we can achieve this through delivering land and infrastructure to enable investment in clean energy, smart mobility and digital networks, positioning Perth as one of Europe’s smartest, greenest cities.”

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