BUSINESS comparison experts Bionic have questioned 1,000 employees across the UK to find out which benefits they felt their employers should be offering them. This data was then compared to Indeed job market data, which deciphered the job perks that were actually being included in job descriptions most frequently.
Bionic found that Scottish employees highly valued the workplace benefit of ‘Pawternity’, or time off to look after your dog. 32% of those questioned chose this perk as their highest priority, making ‘Pawternity’ Scotland’s 4th highest priority benefit overall, outranking early finishes and even birthdays off work. Interestingly, Scotland was the only region of the UK to rank ‘Pawternity’ amongst their top priorities.
Scotland’s top 10 ranked benefits are listed above. Scottish employees valued flexible work above all else, indicating that workplace habits have definitely altered following the Covid 19 pandemic.
Scotland’s workforce also seem to place health and wellbeing above time off as ‘office yoga’ outranks ‘early finish Fridays’. The North East of the UK was the only other region to include ‘office yoga’ as a priority, suggesting this region and Scotland’s employees value relaxation and peace of mind following a turbulent 2 years.
Scotland also ranked ‘private healthcare plan’ more highly compared to most regions of the UK, suggesting that the after effects of the pandemic can still be felt within the Scottish health service as more people are opting for private care.